Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
As part of our effort to keep our creativity flowing, and in honor of National Haiku Day, the Lilja team completed a staff haiku exercise this week.
Topics included the personal challenges of COVID-19, from children running around upstairs to the unique perspectives of our four-legged coworkers — and even snow in April. For those of you who’d like to try it, the haiku format is simple:
5 syllable line
7 syllable line
5 syllable line
If you're feeling intimidated, don't be! Two Lilja team members (who forgot about the assignment) wrote their haikus on the fly!
Here are selections from the team.
Two Conference Calls
In the same house, the same time
Why is he so loud?
My cat is over
me being home all the time
She's sick of my face
Our lives post-COVID Deep breaths in and out each day Anticipation
Boom, boom, boom, bam, bam! Sounds vibrate above my head Take a deep breath, peace
Oh, Minnesota Why do you always do this? No snow next April.
Wild and graying locks frame a careworn face as dreams of color linger
When was the last time that you danced with abandon? Zoom dance party now!
Cat in warm sunshine
Shaped like an apostrophe
Serene coworker
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