"The Price of Victory" chronicles sailor Brad Robinson's achievements and struggles: his desire to advance the world of competitive sailing by building a better A Scow sailboat as a gift to his fleet, and the rejection and vilification he faced by members of the fleet he was trying to help. "The Price of Victory" is a testament to the value of innovation and what can happen when progress is rejected. It's also about one man's love for sailing and the magic that comes from having the right crew on the right boat.
"Not since 'Born to Win,' John Bertrand’s account of his lifelong efforts to innovate boat designs that eventually changed the outcome of America’s Cup, have I read a well written story of sailing history with so much intrigue...Tedford’s wonderful prose and the magnificent passion with which Brad Robinson pursued his dream kept me turning pages. The Price of Victory and the Fear of Innovation belongs in the pantheon of great sailing literature!"
— Terry Kerber, co-author of "Major Taylor: The Inspiring Story of a Black Cyclist and the Men Who Helped Him Achieve Worldwide Fame"
"It’s beyond me how the author distilled such an intertwined story into bite-sized chunks, somehow managing to call it like they saw it without harshly trash-talking their adversaries. Some stern words, but respectful. Wow, that says more than anything else about Brad and Susana. The history and background about Brad and his sailing through the decades makes a great slice of history we all should know about. A great work."
— Dallas Johnson, friend of Brad and Susana Robinson